The Seven Continent-View on AI
Dr Jacques Ludik, will be speaking at The Seven Continent-View on #AI, organized by SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub tomorrow 7 October 2021.
🌍 How #AI looks like today from the perspectives of #Africa? How can AI be democratized to benefit everyone and how it can be developed in a way that is absolute human-centric?
He is also making an announcement about his book “Democratizing Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Everyone, Shaping a Better Future in the Smart Technology Era”. E-book and Paperback currently available on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Democratizing-Artificial-Intelligence-Benefit-Everyone-ebook/dp/B08ZYW9487/) and the newly released audiobook on most audio book marketplaces world-wide in the month of October.
Cortex Logic & Cortex Group, Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa | MIIA, Vive Teens
➡️ Dear all, don’t miss the opportunity to exchange with thousands of your AI peers globally and connect with the AI experts on stage from all seven continents. 🌎🌍🌏
Register for the upcoming #CognitiveVirtual, Oct. 7th.
📌 https://bit.ly/2XcEMqb 📌
CC: THE AI ANDY FITZE, Dalith Steiger-Gablinger, SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub