AI & Global Business Services
Dr Jacques Ludik did a keynote address “AI-driven Digital Transformation to help Business and People Thrive in the Smart Technology Era” at BPESA Global Business Services (GBS) Investors Conference 2022
Herewith a link to the presentation:
He has also given examples of AI for social good applications such as Vive Teens (viveyou.com) and Journey Wellness (journeywellness.co.za).
Paper back copies of his book “Democratizing Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Everyone: Shaping a better future in the Smart Technology Era” was also made available to conference participants and some winners of the BPESA Alchemy Awards. (https://www.bpesa.org.za/gbs-event-2022.html).
For access to the paper back, electronic, and audio versions of the book, see jacquesludik.com.
See also the “Democratizing AI” Newsletter https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/democratizing-ai-6906521507938258944/
Cortex Logic Cortex Group Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa | MIIA #artificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #business #digitaltransformation #people #ai #technology #future #wellness #africa #intelligence #democratization #southafrica