Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa

Dear MIIA community,
Herewith the preliminary agenda for our upcoming MIIA Meetup on 27 October 2016. (see MIIA Meetup and MIIA Events for details)
Agenda for MIIA Meetup @ Barclays Rise on Thursday 27 October 2016 at 5pm
- Overview of the latest MIIA developments (including results from the MIIA survey) – Jacques Ludik [5 minutes]
- Introduction to the Data Science Academy – Paul Saunders [5 minutes]
- Demo of Bennit.AI, intelligent production assistant for manufacturing – Jacques Ludik [5 minutes]
- Using spatial features to decide on the placement of Clinics – Alex Conway [5 minutes]
- Causality – Helge Reikeras [15 minutes]
- Social Network Analysis – Charles Copley [15 minutes]
- Turning data into action at Zoona using predictive and guided analytics & tools – Thuso Simon [15 minutes]
Invite to the MIIA community to follow MIIA on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/10095978
As we’ll be using MIIA on LinkedIn as one of the primary communication channels, we would like to encourage everyone that’s in the MIIA community and on LinkedIn to follow MIIA on LinkedIn. The Western Cape based members are also welcome to join us on http://www.meetup.com/Machine-Intelligence-Institute-of-Africa. See also our MIIA website for details (MIIA can also be joined on the MIIA website by logging in with your LinkedIn profile). Join us on Slack by sending an email to info@machineintelligenceafrica.org.
Data Science Academy
I’m also excited to announce that the Data Science Academy has recently been founded to address the strong demand that exists in today’s market for people with relevant and practical skills in Data Science and Machine Intelligence. More about this will be shared at our upcoming MIIA Meetup.
As background:
The importance of Data Scientists has rose to top due to key issues such as an increased need and desire among businesses to gain greater value from their data and that over 80% of data/information that businesses generate and collect is unstructured or semi-structured data that need special treatment.
Modern Data Scientists typically require a mix of skills such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, machine learning and business knowledge; they need to employ Python or R programming language to clean and remove irrelevant data and create algorithms to solve the business problems; and effectively communicate the findings to management. See also:
- Why Data Scientist is top job in Digital Transformation
- Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
Some Recent MIIA posts
- Artificial Intelligence in Finance, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Agriculture, and Government
- Artificial Intelligence at the centre of MIIA partner activities with Silicon Cape, Rise Africa, and Insights2Impact
Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA)
Anyone interested to join MIIA and/or participate in using smart technologies to help address African problems such as those in education, finance, healthcare, energy, agriculture and unemployment is welcome to do this here. See How to participate for more details on various ways to help MIIA execute its mission.
View the current MIIA Community on the MIIA website as well as MIIA communications on Slack, the LinkedIn group, Meetup, Google+, FaceBook, andTwitter.