Data Science Applications to help businesses thrive in the Smart Technology Era

Dear MIIA community, We are entering an eventful period on the MIIA calendar! Herewith some highlights with some more details below:
- We are excited to announce our next MIIA event that will be hosted by PwC in V&A Waterfront, Cape Town on the 16th of August 2017 at 6pm. The theme of the event is “Data Science Applications to help businesses thrive in the Smart Technology Era” and we have speakers from PwC, Dimago, Cortex Logic and UCT.
- The Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA) has also recently partnered with the Africa Data Forum and will be participating in the upcoming All Things Data Conference at the Westin, Cape Town on 29-30 August 2017.
- MIIA has decided to join forces with the Africa Data Science Association and will also have Board representation in this non profit organization that aims to ensure alignment between the academia and corporates on data science curriculum.
- We are excited to have many of the MIIA community members also participating in the upcoming Deep Learning Indaba at Wits, Johannesburg from 10-15 September 2017.
- We plan our first Data Science Hackathon sponsor by IBM in Johannesburg/Sandton on the 16-17 September 2017, following the Deep Learning Indaba. More about this later. We are also working behind the scenes on a Data Science Hackathon in Cape Town. Anyone interested to participate or sponsor these events are welcome to email us at info@machineintelligenceafrica.org. Please also specify the location that is relevant for you.
- One of our MIIA members is presenting at the Executive Machine Learning (eXe-ML) 2017 Africa, 21-22 September 2017, Sandton.
- MIIA is also in process to organize events in other parts of South Africa and the African continent. Two of these upcoming events during the August/September/October 2017 period in South Africa include:
- MIIA event in Sandton/Johannesburg, hosted by Equinox, Barclays
- MIIA event in Stellenbosch, hosted by LaunchLab, Stellenbosch University
- Anyone interested to participate or sponsor these events are welcome to email us at info@machineintelligenceafrica.org.
See more details on some of these events below. MIIA Event on Wednesday, 16 August 2017 @ PwC, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town
Data Science Applications to help businesses thrive in the Smart Technology EraSponsors: PwC, Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa, Cortex LogicVenue: Top floor, Silo, 5 South Arm Rd, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001Agenda:
- 17h30: Guests start to arrive, with canapes and drinks, arrival outside the business school venue
- 18h00: Presentations start
- “Introduction and MIIA update”, Dr Jacques Ludik, MIIA, Cortex Logic, Bennit.AI
- “Data Science applications at PwC”, Yair Schkolne, PwC
- “Data Science Academy”, Pierre Naude, Dimago
- “Operationalizing AI, Data Science, and Big Data & Analytics to help businesses thrive in the Smart Technology Era”, Dr Jacques Ludik, MIIA, Cortex Logic, Bennit.AI
- “AI-based approaches to building Chatbots and Virtual Assistants”, Chris Currin, PhD Computational Neuroscience candidate at UCT
- 19h15: Presentations end. Guests move to rooftop bar for drinks and light snacks.
- 20h00: Wrap up (the venue is booked to 21h00).
To register on Quicket (entrance: free ticket):
- http://qkt.io/CSJZhZ
- https://www.quicket.co.za/events/32382-data-science-applications-to-help-businesses-thrive-in-the-smart-technology-era/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Intelligence-Institute-of-Africa/events/241939321/MIIA Events page: http://machineintelligenceafrica.org/activities/events/Parking: Below PwC building Africa Data Forum, All Things Data, Cape Town, Hosted by the City of Cape Town, 29-30 August 2017Venue: Westin Hotels & Resorts, Cape Town, 8001https://www.africadataforum.com/capetown-conference/Agenda:https://www.africadataforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/AGENDA_29-30_Capetown_updated.pdf

Best regardsJacques