The Seven Continents-View on AI – Keynote: Perspectives on AI in Africa, Dr Jacques Ludik – Oct 2021
Dr Jacques Ludik did a keynote address at The Seven Continent-View on #AI, organized by SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub on 7 October 2021.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ula2qa9BX9M
See also episode #26 on the JACQUES LUDIK PODCAST (https://jacquesludik.com/podcasts/ or Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon, etc.)
Presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WyP5rutQBNthKxGSenS5HCJR5qQ89PKr/view?usp=sharing
Full event: https://youtu.be/MRtik5uwA8o
🌍 How #AI looks like today from the perspectives of #Africa? How can AI be democratized to benefit everyone and how it can be developed in a way that is absolute human-centric?
He is also made an announcement about his book “Democratizing Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Everyone, Shaping a Better Future in the Smart Technology Era”. E-book and Paperback currently available on Amazon (https://lnkd.in/dyYku3q) and the newly released audiobook on most audio book marketplaces world-wide in the month of October. See https://jacquesludik.com/books-2/ for details.
The Seven Continents-View on AI: There is clearly no one-size-fits-all when it comes to anything in life. That applies to the reasons for the development, adoption, and integration of cognitive technologies as well – be that across teams, organisations, industries, countries and even continents. With the help of experts, we will feel the “AI pulse” of each continent from the North until the South Pole and see how those feed into the global AI heartbeat.
Cortex Logic, Cortex Group, Vive Teens, Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa | MIIA, Sapiens.Network, JacquesLudik.com, THE AI ANDY FITZE 🧠⛵, Dalith Steiger-Gablinger, #ai #artificialintelligence, #podcast #technology #democratizeAI