United Nations and Democratizing AI to Benefit Everyone
In my recent book Democratizing Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Everyone I also reference some of the excellent work done by the United Nations including their aspiring and forward-looking 2030 vision that accompanies the well-known sustainable development goals (SDGs). As part of the sense-making journey on democratizing AI to benefit everyone, I specifically introduce a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) for Humanity and its associated MTP goals that can be molded further and complement the UN’s vision and SDGs to help shape a beneficial human-centric future. Within the proposed MTP for Humanity framework, 14 specific MTP goals are defined and positioned alongside the relevant 17 SDGs. As with the framework, the MTP goals are also a function of a synthesis and sense-making of many ideas and proposals of which some were highlighted and discussed throughout the book. I have also included notes for where some of the current SDGs need further consideration within the context of the MTP framework and Smart Technology Era.
The World Economic Forum has noted that the delivery of many of the UN’s SDGs are “far off track, and in some areas, progress is going backwards”[i] and have introduced a global public-private sector 2030Vision Platform to help with the implementation of the SDGs. As mentioned in the book, “although initiatives such as this one is good and part of a multi-pronged approach to at least work towards the realization of the SDGs, their effectiveness will likely still be limited if it does not fully address the more fundamental aspects and systemic root causes of the underlying problems that we face.”
Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/Democratizing-Artificial-Intelligence-Benefit-Everyone-ebook/dp/B08ZYW9487/
LinkedIn intro: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/democratizing-ai-benefit-everyone-jacques-ludik
Some video & audio links: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-perspectives-jacques-ludik
Websites: https://jacquesludik.com; https://sapiens.network ; https://miiafrica.org/books/
[i] https://www.weforum.org/projects/frontier-2030#