OECD and Democratizing AI to Benefit Everyone
As a participant on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) AI’s One AI Work Group 3 on national AI policies as also captured in the OECD.AI policy observatory, it has been fascinating to see the thoroughness, diligence and high-quality work, data capturing and information sharing that has been done so far to get an accurate picture in this regard. In my recent book Democratizing Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Everyone I also reference some of the superb work done by the OECD in chapters and sections dealing with AI-enabled ultra-personalized wellness; potential benefits of AI for society and social good, governmental AI strategies, policies and adoption; building human-compatible, ethical, trustworthy and beneficial AI; and 21st century skills, competencies, and jobs for a human-centric AI-driven workplace.
With the OECD’s goal to shape policies that foster prosperity, opportunity, equality, and well-being for humanity, they have developed a well-being framework covering 11 dimensions of well-being. This also fits in with the Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) for Humanity and its associated goals that I have introduced in the book to help shape a beneficial human-centric future (which complements the United Nations’ 2030 vision and SDGs). The OECD is trying to get as many countries as possible on board in their search to practically affect values-based AI principles which is very much in line with the proposed MTP for Humanity at the associated MTP goals.
Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/Democratizing-Artificial-Intelligence-Benefit-Everyone-ebook/dp/B08ZYW9487/
LinkedIn intro: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/democratizing-ai-benefit-everyone-jacques-ludik
Some video & audio links: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-perspectives-jacques-ludik
Websites: https://jacquesludik.com; https://sapiens.network ; https://miiafrica.org/books/