How Artificial Intelligence disrupts Industries

In a recent post about Deep Learning applications, platforms, limitations and quantum computing we have announced a panel discussion on “How Artificial Intelligence is disrupting Industries” which took place on 25 May 2017 in Cape Town. This event was hosted by Far Ventures, a start-up studio and incubator that aims to foster technology entrepreneurship in Africa by founding and growing start-ups that can positively impact people’s lives through technology. It was also supported by the Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA), an innovative community and accelerator for Machine Intelligence and Data Science Research and Applications to help transform Africa.
For this panel discussion, Romain Diaz (Co-Founder & CEO at Far Ventures Global) acted as moderator with the following experienced professionals in the AI industry as speakers and panelists:
- Dr Jacques Ludik, Founder & President of the Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA) / Founder & CEO, Cortex Logic / Founder & CTO, Bennit.AI
- Antoine Paillusseau, Co-Founder, FinChatBot
- Alex Conway, Founder & CTO, NumberBoost
- Ryan Falkenberg, Co-CEO, Clevva
- Frans Cronje, Managing Director, DataProphet

This post includes the links to the introductory presentation as well as the video of the panel discussion.
- Presentation – AI within the Smart Technology Era – Dr Jacques Ludik
- Video Part 1 – Presentation and Panel discussion
- Video Part 2 – Panel discussion (continued)
The following questions were specifically addressed in the panel discussion:
- Is AI a real thing? Is companies really doing AI? Is AI overhyped?
- Let’s dig deeper into AI business applications. What are they? What impact does AI have on industries?
- What’s going to happen with predictive analytics companies given the AI shift across industries and what major tech companies are doing in this space?
- Leaders & Innovation: (a) Who is the leaders in AI? Who is driving innovation? Can innovation also come from others? (b) Which AI technologies are you currently using?
- Ethics: Give examples of AI when it comes the ethics?
- Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of AI? Why are you optimistic about the future of AI?
- What is the current maturity of AI and its impact on society?
- Are developers going to become the equivalent of typists? What kind of jobs will be left to do?
- How will AI impact the Healthcare industry in the future?
- Safety & Discrimination: (a) Safety: e.g. Self-driving cars. How are we going to make sure that AI can be used in a safe way? (b) How are we going to avoid discrimination using AI-based algorithms?
Far Ventures – How Artificial Intelligence is disrupting industries – Part 1

- [0:00] Introduction
- [3:46] AI within the Smart Technology Era – Dr Jacques Ludik
- [15:47] AI panel discussion
- [16:00] Is AI a real thing? Is companies really doing AI? Is AI overhyped?
- [24:36] Let’s dig deeper into AI business applications. What are they? What impact does AI have on industries?
- [39:15] What’s going to happen with predictive analytics companies given the AI shift across industries and what major tech companies are doing in this space?
- [49:39] Leaders & Innovation: (a) Who is the leaders in AI? Who is driving innovation? Can innovation also come from others? (b) Which AI technologies are you currently using?
- [1:00:16] Ethics: Give examples of AI when it comes the ethics?
- [1:04:25] Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of AI? Why are you optimistic about the future of AI? (to be continued in Part 2)
Far Ventures – How Artificial Intelligence is disrupting industries – Part 2

- [0:00] Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of AI? Why are you optimistic about the future of AI?
- [2:50] What is the current maturity of AI and its impact on society?
- [5:35] Are developers going to become the equivalent of typists? What kind of jobs will be left to do?
- [11:17] How will AI impact the Healthcare industry in the future?
- [16:20] Safety & Discrimination: (a) Safety: e.g. Self-driving cars. How are we going to make sure that AI can be used in a safe way? (b) How are we going to avoid discrimination using AI-based algorithms?
Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA)
MIIA Meetup in Cape Town on Wednesday 21 June 2017
Real-world Machine Learning Applications in Security and Mining IndustriesSponsors: Cortex Logic and Barclays Rise Cape TownVenue: Barclays Rise, 5th Floor, Woodstock Exchange
MIIA Meetup Agenda
- Introduction and quick MIIA update – Dr Jacques Ludik
- DeepAlert: Realtime Video Analytics and Alerting using Deep Learning, Dr Jasper Horrell, Founder & CEO, DeepData
- Using CNNs with transfer learning to train deep networks, Shaun Irwin, M.Eng, Lead Developer, Stone Three Mining Solutions
Video: https://youtu.be/vnNylVqN4qg
Registration: https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Intelligence-Institute-of-Africa/events/240319413/
MIIA Meetup in Sandton on Thursday 11 May 2017
1. Deep Learning and its applications – Dr Jacques Ludik – MIIA, Cortex Logic, Bennit.AI
2. Demonstration of Deep Learning examples using Google’s TensorFlow – Dr Jacques Ludik – MIIA, Cortex Logic, Bennit.AI
3. IBM Watson
– Insights from IBM’s InterConnect Conference in Las Vegas – Rikus Combrinck, Senior Data Scientist at OLSPS Analytics (M.Eng Computer Engineering)
- https://hackmd.io/s/SJr4CR-e- (document format)
- https://hackmd.io/p/SJr4CR-e- (slide format)
– IBM Watson discussion (including sharing experience with IBM Watson for developing Intelligent Virtual Assistants)
4. Demonstration of a state-of-the-art AI conversational system – Rikus Combrinck, Senior Data Scientist at OLSPS Analytics (M.Eng Computer Engineering)
- https://hackmd.io/s/r1XJkBmy- (document format)
- https://hackmd.io/p/r1XJkBmy- (slide format)
Registration: https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Intelligence-Institute-of-Africa-Jhb-Pta/events/239078147/
Venue: Equinox, 15 Alice Lane, Absa Capital, North Building, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa
Sponsors: Barclays Equinox Events, Cortex Logic
Photos of the MIIA event can be found here.
MIIA Meetup in Cape Town on Wednesday 3 May 2017
1. Deep Learning and its applications – Dr Jacques Ludik – MIIA, Cortex Logic, Bennit.AI
2. Demonstration of Deep Learning examples using Google’s TensorFlow – Dr Jacques Ludik – MIIA, Cortex Logic, Bennit.AI
Google TensorFlow
- Getting started with Tensorflow https://www.tensorflow.org/get_started/get_startedhttps://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials
- Learn TensorFlow and deep learning, without a Ph.D. https://cloud.google.com/blog/big-data/2017/01/learn-tensorflow-and-deep-learning-without-a-phd
- TensorFlow examples https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples (MNIST)
- Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow https://github.com/leriomaggio/deep-learning-keras-tensorflow
- Keras examples https://github.com/fchollet/keras/tree/master/examples (MNIST)
- Tensorboard https://github.com/llSourcell/how_to_use_tensorboard_live
- Tensorflow Playground http://playground.tensorflow.org
- Convolution Neural Networks http://scs.ryerson.ca/~aharley/vis/conv/flat.html https://ujjwalkarn.me/2016/08/11/intuitive-explanation-convnets/https://adeshpande3.github.io/adeshpande3.github.io/A-Beginner%27s-Guide-To-Understanding-Convolutional-Neural-Networks/
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Flappy Bird – Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep Q-Network) https://github.com/yenchenlin/DeepLearningFlappyBird
3. IBM Watson
– Insights from IBM’s InterConnect Conference in Las Vegas – Rikus Combrinck, Senior Data Scientist at OLSPS Analytics (M.Eng Computer Engineering)
- https://hackmd.io/s/rJhIJBXk- (document format)
- https://hackmd.io/p/rJhIJBXk- (slide format)
– IBM Watson discussion (including sharing experience with IBM Watson for developing Intelligent Virtual Assistants)
4. Demonstration of a state-of-the-art AI conversational system – Rikus Combrinck, Senior Data Scientist at OLSPS Analytics (M.Eng Computer Engineering)
- https://hackmd.io/s/r1XJkBmy- (document format)
- https://hackmd.io/p/r1XJkBmy- (slide format)
Registration via the MIIA Meetup – Cape Town:
Venue: CiTi, Bandwidth Barn, Block B, 3rd Floor, Woodstock Exchange, 66-68 Albert Road, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa
Sponsors: CiTi, Cortex Logic
Photos of the MIIA event can be found here.
MIIA AI / Data Science Hackathon – July-September 2017
MIIA also plans to host an AI / Data Science Hackathon during July-September 2017 period. Anyone interested to participate is welcome to email us at info@machineintelligenceafrica.org. More about this event in follow-up communication.
Deep Learning Indaba in Johannesburg – 11-15 September 2017
Key Dates:
- Applications: 17 April – 31 May 2017
- Acceptance notification: 15 June 2017
- Registration opens: 15 June 2017
Machine intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA):
- http://machineintelligenceafrica.org
- Community: http://machineintelligenceafrica.org/members/
- Events: http://machineintelligenceafrica.org/activities/events/
- Projects: http://machineintelligenceafrica.org/activities/projects/
- Partners: http://machineintelligenceafrica.org/partners/
- Blog: http://machineintelligenceafrica.org/blog/
- MIIA YouTube Channel (Playlist): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOqigXLyHjNYf8R4WIM7HMVbQpQ03QNu-
Some Recent MIIA posts
- Deep Learning applications, platforms, limitations and quantum computing
- AI in Manufacturing and Data Science/IoT hackathon on Mining data
- Data Science and Machine Intelligence use cases in Africa 2017
- Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa collaboration with Data Science Nigeria
- Solving Intelligence, Solving Real-world Problems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science use cases in Africa
- Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa
- Artificial Intelligence in Finance, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Agriculture, and Government
- Artificial Intelligence at the centre of MIIA partner activities with Silicon Cape, Rise Africa, and Insights2Impact
Joining Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA)
- Anyone interested to join MIIA and/or participate in using smart technologies to help address African problems such as those in education, finance, healthcare, energy, agriculture and unemployment is welcome to do this here. See How to participate for more details on various ways to help MIIA execute its mission.
- View the current MIIA Community on the MIIA website as well as MIIA communications on Slack, the LinkedIn group, Meetup, Google+, FaceBook, and Twitter.
- MIIA Meetup in Cape Town: https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Intelligence-Institute-of-Africa/
- MIIA Meetup in Johannesburg/Pretoria: https://www.meetup.com/Machine-Intelligence-Institute-of-Africa-Jhb-Pta/
- http://bennit.ai/
- Bennit.AI is a self-learning, highly personalized virtual production assistant specifically designed for industry, making the time and efficiency of industrial users its most important mission, every minute of every day. Bennit A.I. layers across existing technologies to drastically simplify and improve access to information, helping industrial users make better decisions and improve business outcomes.
Cortex Logic
- http://cortexlogic.com/
- Cortex Logic is a machine intelligence software & solutions company that solves real-world problems through delivering state-of-the-art Machine Intelligence based solutions such as intelligent virtual assistants and advisors, fraud detection, churn prediction, smart risk scoring, smart trading, real-time customer insights, smart recommendations and purchase prediction, and smart payment for finance, healthcare, education, retail, telecoms, industrial and public sector as well as other industries where the automation of tasks can lead to economic benefit, scalability and productivity. Cortex Logic helps businesses and organizations not only survive, but thrive in the Smart Technology Era. It also aims to contribute towards solving intelligence through advancing the state-of-the-art in machine intelligence and building cognitive systems that are contextually aware, learn at scale, support unsupervised learning where possible, reason with purpose and interact with humans naturally.