Projects Dashboard
Projects Dashboard
The MIIA Projects Dashboard has been organized into its three Project Type categories: Application, Research, and Technology.
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Application Projects Dashboard
ID | Title | Description | Expected Benefit | Industry | Problem/ Opportunity |
Funding | Phase | Leader | Other Members | Partners |
MA001 | Social Network Reconstruction & Social Interaction Recording of an African community | The idea is to develop a technical solution (say a camera) that could record social interactions and (using image processing/facial recognition) reconstruct the social network of a community. This information could be very useful for developing higher impact social interventions.
Computational Social Sciences funding call (see below) from the Volkswagen Foundation. This proposal is due 15 June. |
Better understanding of African community dynamics Advancing Social Science in Africa Supports community building, learning, or collaboration Advancing technology It could be a useful partnership and it would result in collaboration with GESIS, one of the world’s leading institutes for computational social science. |
Telecoms, Media, Technology Tourism, Retail, & Property |
Lack of sustainable governance systems & crime prevention; Lack of technology and manufacturing competitiveness
Funded (TBD) | Funding | Charles Copley | Eli Grant | Volkswagen Foundation |
MA002 | Africa Health data capturing & analysis via mobile app | Africa Health data capturing & analysis via mobile app | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Healthcare | Poor healthcare | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | Praekert Foundation |
MA003 | Cognitive application for advancing African Education |
Cognitive application for advancing African Education |
Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Education | Poor education & skills development | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA004 | Traffic congestion in Africa major cities | Traffic congestion in Africa major cities | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Infrastructure (Smarter cities) | Poor infrastructure (transport) & energy shortages |
Require funding |
Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA005 | Geospatial data analysis for financial inclusion | Geospatial data analysis for financial inclusion | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Finance | Lack of employment and access to financial resources | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | & i2i (Insight2Impact) |
MA006 | Social Network Analysis using Mobile data | Social Network Analysis using Mobile data | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Finance | Lack of employment and access to financial resources | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | & i2i (Insight2Impact) |
MA007 | Market intelligence, cross-border studies and policy analysis for financial inclusion | Market intelligence, cross-border studies and policy analysis for financial inclusion | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Finance | Lack of employment and access to financial resources | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | FSD Africa |
MA008 | Electronic immunization registry & data analysis | Electronic immunization registry & data analysis | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Healthcare | Poor healthcare | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | Bid Initiative |
MA009 | A distributed health system which relies on mobile phones for access to the health record | A distributed health system which relies on mobile phones for access to the health record | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Healthcare | Poor healthcare | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | Bid Initiative |
MA010 | Machine Intelligence approach to sustainable governance systems | Machine Intelligence approach to sustainable governance systems | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Government |
Lack of sustainable governance systems & crime prevention Weakening of representative democracy |
Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA011 | Data Science and Renewable Energy in Africa | Data Science and Renewable Energy in Africa | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Energy | Poor infrastructure & energy shortages | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA012 | Using mobile data for inferring the source and spread of diseases | Using mobile data for inferring the source and spread of diseases | Addressing an African problem or opportunity | Healthcare | Poor healthcare | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA013 | Mobile app and analysis dealing with emerging crises or market opportunities | Mobile app and analysis dealing with emerging crises or market opportunities | Addressing an African problem or opportunity |
Tourism, Retail, & Property Healthcare Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics |
Lack of sustainable governance systems & crime prevention Poor healthcare Increasing water stress (lack of clean drinking water) Lack of technology and manufacturing competitiveness |
Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA014 | Pollution analysis in Africa | Pollution analysis in Africa | Addressing an African problem or opportunity |
Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics Tourism, Retail, & Property Agribusiness & Forestry |
Rising pollution in the developing world | Require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MA015 | Numberboost | Geocoding a business’ customer database, plot those customers on a map, and do feature extraction from spatial datasets (e.g. census, house prices, voting data, etc) and then have an interactive dashboard to filter spatial correlations and do some other fun machine learning stuff e.g. use the features for better churn prediction, recommendation engines etc | Addressing an African problem or opportunity |
Finance Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics Tourism, Retail, & Property Government
Lack of employment and access to financial resources Lack of technology competitiveness Lack of sustainable governance systems & crime prevention Weakening of representative democracy |
Funded (won 1st prize of R50k in LaunchLab competition) | Execution | Alex Conway | Qobo | TBD |
MA016 | Constructing spatiotemporal poverty indices from big data | Big data offers the potential of calculating timely estimates of the socioeconomic development of a region. Mobile telephone activity provides an enormous wealth of information that can be utilized along with traditional household surveys. Estimates of poverty and wealth rely on the calculation of features from call detail records (CDRs). However, mobile network operators are reluctant to provide access to CDRs due to commercial sensitivity and privacy concerns. As a compromise, we show that a relatively sparse CDR dataset combined with other publicly available datasets based on satellite imagery can yield competitive results. In particular, we build a model using two features from the CDRs, mobile ownership per capita and call volume per phone, combined with normalized satellite nightlight data and population density, to estimate the multi-dimensional poverty index (MPI) at the sector level in Rwanda. Our model accurately predicts the MPI for sectors in Rwanda that contain mobile phone cell towers | Addressing an African problem or opportunity |
Finance Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics Tourism, Retail, & Property Government |
Socio-economic development of a region
Lack of employment and access to financial resources |
Funded | Execution | Patrick McSharry | CMU in Rwanda | |
Research Projects Dashboard
ID | Title | Description | Expected Benefit | Industry | Problem/ Opportunity |
Funding | Phase | Leader | Other Members | Partners |
MR001 | Machine Intelligence to enhance our World | Book on Machine Intelligence to enhance our World | Supports community building, learning, or collaboration | Research & Technology communictions to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | Jacques Ludik | TBD | TBD |
MR002 | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Healthcare | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Healthcare | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries |
Lack of technology competitiveness; Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR003 | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Education | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Education | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR004 | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Finance | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Finance | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR005 | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Agriculture | Cognitive Computing Research and Applications in Agriculture | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR006 | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Education | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Education | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR007 | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Healthcare | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Healthcare | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR008 | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Finance | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Finance | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR009 | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Agriculture | Deep Learning Research & Applications for Agriculture | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR010 | Machine Intelligence to transform Africa | Book on Machine Intelligence to transform Africa | Supports community building, learning, or collaboration | Research & Technology communictions to support applictions in other industries in Africs | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR011 | Advancing state-of-the-art in Recurrent Neural Networks and Sequence-to-Sequence Machine Learning | Advancing state-of-the-art in Recurrent Neural Networks and Sequence-to-Sequence Machine Learning | Advancing research & technology for applications |
Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries |
Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR012 | Use of Tensor methods and novel techniques in non-convex optimization to solve
complex highly- dimensional problems |
Use of Tensor methods and novel techniques in non-convex optimization to solve
complex highly- dimensional problems |
Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR013 | Advancing the state-of-the-art in Unsupervised Learning by incorporating learnings from both neuroscience and machine learning | Advancing the state-of-the-art in Unsupervised Learning by incorporating learnings from both neurosience and machine learning
(e.g., build causal understanding of sensory space with temporal correlations of concurrent & sequential sensory signals) |
Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR014 | Deep Learning research and applications in genomics | Deep Learning research and applications in genomics | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR015 | Application of evolutionary computation in applications such as robotics, software agents, design and web commerce | Application of evolutionary computation in applications such as robotics, software aents, design and web commerce | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR016 | Combining control principles with reinforcement learning for robust machine learning applications | Combining control principles with reinforcement learning for robust machine learning applications | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR017 | Advancing the state-of-the-art in Topological based analysis of data sets to uncover the shape of data sets | A topological approach allows you to study datasets without assuming a shape beforehand and to combine various machine learning techniques while maintaining guarantees about the underlying shape of the data. | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR018 | Advancing the state-of-the-art in Attention models for powerful learning algorithms that require ever less data to be successful on harder problems | Attention models represent a promising direction for powerful learning algorithms that require ever less data to be successful on harder problems | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MR019 |
Advancing the state-of-the-art in Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) research and applications |
Advancing the state-of-the-art Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) research and applications | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | Jaco du Toit | Jacques Ludik; TBD | TBD |
MR020 | Advancing the state-of-the-art in Knowledge represenation architectures research and applications | Advancing the state-of-the-art in Knowledge represenation architectures that are instantly melleable and shapeable by the environment (e.g., sensory learning using patterns and sequences of patterns in cause-effect versus probabilistic way) | Advancing research & technology for applications | Research & Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
TBD | Approval | Jacques Ludik | TBD | TBD |
Technology Projects Dashboard
ID | Title | Description | Expected Benefit | Industry |
Problem/ Opportunity |
Funding | Phase | Leader | Other Members | Partners |
MT001 | Spark for distributed machine learning | MIIA team utilizing & sharing learnings with spark fro distributed Machine Learning | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MT002 | TensorFlow | MIIA team utilizing & sharing learnings with TensorFlow & Open source Deep Learning software platform | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | Jacques Ludik | TBD | TBD |
MT003 | IBM Watson on Bluemix | MIIA team utilizing and sharing learning with IBM Watson on Bluemix | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD |
MT004 | NuPIC | NuPIC (Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing) | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MT005 | Microsoft Cortana | Microsoft Cortana | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MT006 | IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, a Cognitive Computing Competition |
It is a $5 million competition (announced on the TED Stage on Feb 17, 2016) challenging teams from around the world to develop and demonstrate how humans can collaborate with powerful cognitive technologies to tackle some of the world’s grand challenges. Every year leading up to TED2020, teams will go head-to-head at World of Watson, IBM’s annual conference, competing for interim prizes and the opportunity to advance to the next year’s competition. The three finalist teams will take the TED stage in 2020 to deliver jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring TED Talks demonstrating what they have achieved. |
Advancing technology & research Supports entrepreneurial activity |
Technology to support applictions in other industries Healthcare Education Agribusiness & Forestry Finance Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics Manufacturing & Services Energy, Oil & Gas, Mining Telecoms, Media, Technology |
Poor education & skills development
Poor healthcare Lack of employment Lack of sustainable governance systems & crime prevention Poor infrastructure (transport) & energy shortages Food shortages and ineffective agriculture sector Lack of technology and manufacturing competitiveness |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | Jacques Ludik | TBD | TBD |
MT007 | DiDi Research – Algorithm Competition |
DiDI Research – Algorithm Competition As less than 10% of China’s 1.4 billion citizens own automobiles, the frequency at which Chinese citizens commute on taxis, buses, trains, and planes is the highest in the world. Didi Chuxing, the dominant ride-hailing company in China, processes over 11 million trips, plans over 9 billion routes and collects over 50TB of data per day. To meet needs of riders, Didi must continually innovate to improve cloud computing and big data technologies and algorithms in order to process this massive amount of data and uphold service reliability. |
Supply-demand forecasting is critical to enabling Didi to maximise utilisation of drivers and ensure that riders can always get a car whenever and wherever they may need a ride. Supply-demand forecasting helps to predict the volume of drivers and riders at a certain time period in a specific geographic area. For instance, demand tends to surge in residential areas in the mornings and in business districts in the evenings. Supply-demand forecasting allows Didi to predict demand surges and guide drivers to those areas. The end result is higher earnings for drivers and no surge pricing for riders! | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation |
MT008 | Google Cloud Platform & App engine |
Google Cloud Platform & App engine |
Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MT009 | Open source Python ecosystem for Machine Learning | Open source Python ecosystem for Machine Learning | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD | TBD | TBD |
MT010 | Plotly | Plotly | Advancing research & technology for applications | Technology to support applictions in other industries | Lack of technology competitiveness;
Poor education & skills development |
Don’t require funding | Preparation | TBD | TBD | TBD |